Top 8 Food Triggers for Celiac Sufferers to Avoid 

The FoodLama

The FoodLama

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It can be hard to shop when you have celiac disease, an autoimmune condition that’s triggered by eating gluten. Sadly, the only treatment is to stop eating gluten, but that seems like such an overwhelming task as gluten appears in so many foods. 

However, as we begin to understand how many people are affected by celiac disease, more products are labeled as gluten-free. Still, living with celiac disease forces you to rethink how you live. For example, it affects how you shop, cook, and eat in restaurants.

This guide will give you some tips on foods you need to avoid when you have celiac disease and introduce you to an app that will make living with the condition much more manageable. 

Eating Well With Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity


Beer and ale are usually made from barley and are not safe for individuals with celiac disease to drink. Even wheat beers are off the table, making most beer a powerful trigger for the disease. There are some beer brands that are being made for people with celiac to drink, including: 

Generally, however, you should avoid beer and stick to more celiac-friendly drinks like wine. 

Bread and Pastries 

Bread and pastries include most cakes, cookies, croutons, flour tortillas, pies, and stuffing. The good news and that, increasingly, gluten-free bakeries are opening up, and more gluten-free products can be found on the shelves. Also, rye bread is safe for most celiacs as long as it is made of nothing but rye. 

Many breakfast foods 

It can be challenging to find breakfast foods for people with celiacs disease. Of course, bacon and eggs are still fine, and you can still eat most parts of a Full English Breakfast, but pancakes, waffles, biscuits, French toast, cereal, and granola is sadly out. The good news is now you have an excuse to eat a double helping of bacon. 

6 Great Tips for Shopping for a Household with Multiple Food Preferences

Many food colorings 

Food colorings can be complicated. They are in almost everything, and many, due to how they are processed, contain gluten. Luckily, manufacturers are getting better about putting ingredients on their products, but if you see food coloring in a product, read the box to ensure it’s gluten-free. 


Many people that have celiac disease name noodles as one of the most difficult to avoid. It is, of course, ubiquitous in Italian food, but it’s also a staple of Asian food as well. There are kinds of pasta made with brown rice, which is safe, and some Udon noodles are also safe. As always, if there’s any question, consult the packaging.

Salad Dressings 

There are a lot of salad dressings that contain gluten fillers. Generally speaking, the more processed a salad dressing is, the more likely it is to contain gluten. Luckily, salad dressings are easy to make at home with just a few natural ingredients, but if you are going to buy the over-the-shelf stuff, be sure to read the bottle before you eat it. 

Sauces, gravies, and soups 

Once again, packages of sauces, soups, and gravies can have fillers containing a lot of gluten. If you make your own gravy or sauce, you can ensure that it is gluten-free very quickly, but if you are going to buy it, various types have gluten in their ingredients. 

Foods with malt flavoring or “graham” in their title 

You can read a list of ingredients and not see wheat, barley, or rye and still get a reaction, and that is because both malt flavorings and foods like graham crackers contain gluten as well. So if you are a person with celiac disease, you need to avoid foods that contain these ingredients, or they might provoke a reaction in you, although there is no listing of wheat on the packaging. 

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Stop Stressing – foodlama to the rescue

Online grocery sites don’t cater well to people who shop with dietary restrictions or preferences. Tedious reading of individual ingredients list of products and poor recommendations leaves consumers tired, frustrated, and stuck with what they are used to. Foodlama helps you quickly discover what you or your household can or can’t have at your favorite grocers and makes the best substitute recommendations for what you cannot have. Sign up today.

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